Saturday, October 20, 2012

Love means never having to say you're sorry...NOT ! ! !

    In a galaxy far far away (i.e. in the 1970's) one of the greatest tear jerker movies ever made was released. It's name said it all "Love Story".


I won't play spoiler so if you are part of the "new generation", who knows nothing about this movie, then (a) I DARE YOU to rent it - watch it - and not cry (and YES 1 tear constitutes crying) and (b) this article is not for you.


To the "seasoned generation(s)" (how do you like that word I used "seasoned" as opposed to “old”?) you know that THE memorable line, in the movie, was "love means never having to say you’re sorry". Pause to reflect. Still pausing. Pausing some more. Through pausing.


Anyway IN THE REAL WORLD saying you’re sorry IS important especially when it comes to those you love. If you don't think saying you’re sorry, or really being sorry, is not important then ask yourself this "are you willing to lose the greatest love of your life" OR "are you willing to permanently damage your relationship with those you care most about" (memory lapse alert = I forgot to add the question marks so here they are?)?


To take it a step further it is more important that you FEEL SORRY - that you understand the other person’s point of view - that you learn from your mistakes - and that your ACTIONS (not when you get caught or when it is too late) reflect the reality of you being sorry.


They say (don't ask me who they are because I am still finding out who I am in certain areas) that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and this is also untrue because over these past 2 years I have learned a lifetime of "lessons", and (sadly) the deterioration of relationships that meant/mean the world to me, and real lessons are not...easy.


NOTHING will ever replace the interaction between the ones we love.


NOTHING will ever replace the knowledge, the heightened senses, and the soul turning inner feelings, of falling in love...with The one that you waited for. The one you hoped for. The one you longed for. The one that you just...knew.


To those who haven't found "the one"...don't give up.


To those who have found "the one" then never let loose - never stop listening - never stop improving - never stop telling them how much they mean to you - never stop loving - and never EVER take them for granted or minimize their needs. When God puts you together with "the one" he never says it will be "easy" nor does he promise "the status quo". As each year passes there should be a RENEWAL of the relationship keeping the aspects that "work" for both and striving to improve/change/etc. the aspects that..."don't". Only by this realization, commitment, and effort can one lay their head down at night with a loving heart not worried about what tomorrow will bring (concerning the strength of the relationship).


I used to think that not drinking, not doing drugs, not going out to parties/bars/etc., being a good Father, never pursuing anyone else (for one night or otherwise) working hard, trying, etc. was..."enough". It wasn't. The life lesson I learned is that not only was it NOT ENOUGH but that I should have known, with every cell in my being, that it wasn't and that I should not of fallen into the "trap" of complacency.


For those keeping score, or who may be familiar with my online writings, you may be aware that I was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. This was in addition to an "alphabet soup" of medical diagnosis/complications and very real mental/physical/emotional problems with adversely affected me 24/7.


You ask "how do we get from love story - to life lessons - to your illness"? Well, Mr. and/or Mrs. Impatient let me tell you. But first, because I can, I will play the "pause card" and make you read the next sentence (lesson learned...don't rush me).


There are those, both near and far, that I NEED (and are and have been deserving) to hear me say "I'm sorry" not because I can form the words and speak them but...because I am...and I have been and I wish I had the chance earlier.


It's like the saying ("them again"...who are they really?) that goes "if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, is a sound made" (or something to that effect)? Well, what if you are sorry - have been sorry - have changed for the better (in many many ways) and yet the persons deserving of hearing these words aren't around and/or don't provide you with the opportunity to convey these earnest feelings? Are you still...sorry? The answer is YES and the real answer is YES and you should never forget it and work, 24/7, to replace the lives/memories/moments (of each person deserving of hearing the apology) with ones of; happiness, love, understanding, acceptance, joy, peace, etc.


In summary, movies have their place. Words have their place. Actions have their place. But none of these, individually and/or collectively, can ever replace the exchange of a heartfelt/sincere interaction when one conveys the words of "I'm sorry" regardless of IF or WHEN the other person(s) accept the apology. That, my online friends, is the point of this story and it is especially true when it is...a LOVE story.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

An open letter to Lisa Marie August 17, 2012 by Jeffrey Schrembs

August 17, 2012

Dear Lisa Marie:

35 years ago, and 1 day, you lost your Father and no one will ever know the pains you have had to endure/bear all these years.

Throughout the years I have seen a constant division between certain family members, and members of the Memphis Mafia, and EPE. This was a topic and I routinely discussed with my friend, who (sadly) died before his time, Todd Morgan who rose through the ranks at EPE. I would never disclose the specifics of our conversations but he respected my opinion as I did his.

Over the past few years we have lost so many of those who Elvis; loved, worked with, befriended, trusted, etc. With each passing day the remaining members of the Memphis Mafia, as we all do, grow older and the loss of their friend (i.e. Elvis Presley) never…diminishes. There is no doubt that they, individually and collectively, loved Elvis and carry with them regrets.

I have always believed that events in ones’ life, or a series of events, should ALWAYS be put in context. That people can disagree and yet respect one another. That loving, and caring for, our “fellow man” is not just applicable to those nearby or that we are related to or that ended up on the right side of a position. I have had the utmost respect for Elvis’ charitable endeavors and I am proud to know that you, Lisa Marie, have carried on with giving of your time – your heart – and monetarily.

I ask you now, Lisa Marie and EPE, to please consider that (literally) millions of Elvis Fans Worldwide would like, as would I, to see each member of the Memphis Mafia (i.e. Marty Lacker, Billy Smith, Red West, Sonny West, and each member of their immediate family, etc.) formally recognized – appreciated – respected – and embraced by you and EPE. I ask this not because of any “gain” on my part but that time is never guaranteed and that there needs to be true healing between the parties (publicly and privately).

I wish that you never had to grow up without your Father. I wish that God had granted Elvis more time so that he truly knew how much he meant to all of us…and future generations. That he was given time to heal (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.). That he was able to spend more time with you. That he was given the respect, and appreciation, he earned and deserved from the “critics” and “award nominating agencies”.

Some of my most cherished photos, of your Father, is not him onstage but reaching out to hold a child – visiting children in a hospital – bringing a little blind girl onstage – smiling while hugging a child with cancer – and/or kissing an elderly woman and thus bringing an immediate smile to her face. These “acts of kindness” come from the heart and Elvis had, among other things, a huge heart and the world was better off for it. I have always stated that there is honor in kindness – honor in forgiveness – and honor in giving others another chance. In accordance with these genuine gestures I now have authored this open letter to you.

I have lived long enough to know the beauty of a simple gesture and that small steps can lead to honest dialog and communication. This is what I hope, and wish, for…now.

In closing, I will continue to wish you, EPE, and each of your family members nothing but happiness and success in all of your endeavors.

Take care and may God bless you.

Jeff Schrembs


Monday, July 30, 2012

Elvis Presley' August 16, 1977-2012

In a few weeks (i.e. August 16, 2012) Elvis fans worldwide will pay their respects in remembrance of Elvis death of August 16, 1977. The events of August 16, 1977 and the weeks following were a plethora of emotions; depression, uncontrollably crying, denial, hurt, despondent, angry, and most of all the questions of..."why".

Since Elvis' mother died on August 14, 1958, and Elvis believed that she was 42 years old when in fact she was 46, Elvis was devastated. He had been haunted by dreams, and steadfast belief that he would never "outlive momma". Thus the first two weeks of August 1977 were days of self reflection and the realization that his health had deteriorated consistently since mid 1972. The health issues of his dad, the mourning of his mothers loss and the belief that he was going to be the same age she was when she died, the monetary stress, the federal investigation into the plane he purchased, and Elvis complained about "feeling bad to my very bones".

Far too many people have taken sides about Elvis and his death. Some people blame Ginger Alden who was in Elvis' bedroom and was the last person to see Elvis alive. There have been reports that Ginger had taken medications as it was her "time of the month".

Others blame the authors of the book "Elvis What Happened" for Elvis' death.

In both cases those who reach these conclusions omit fact after fact without ever realizing that our time on this earth is NOT determined by us...but by our maker. So the reality is that it was Elvis time to die.

Through the years I have seen hate speech levied at Ginger Alden and her family and also to Red West, Sonny West, and others who wrote parts of the book "Elvis What Happened"? I have always responded and stood up to each and every person spewing these untruths.

Elvis loved Ginger. Did he love her enough to marry her? I don't know. Would they have stayed together had he of lived? Who knows?

Elvis loved Red and Sonny West. Red and Sonny West loved Elvis.

I believe that Ginger Alden, as any human would, and her family have (at times) been subjected to terrible comments/threats/name calling about her relationship with Elvis and that is sad.

Equally as sad are the vitriol hatred blaming Red and Sonny West for Elvis death.

Ginger Alden and her family did not deserve to have to be under attack all these years. Neither does Red and Sonny West and their family members.

I know making this statement will "offend some" but as a man of God I never expound on the "whys and ifs" but instead on the life the person lead - their accomplishments - their dreams - their circle of family/friends, etc.

I believe that if Elvis was in the room, with Ginger Alden and Red and Sonny West, that there would be reconciliation - heartfelt discussion - and perhaps even healing of the pains/hurts and a commitment to focus on what was really important and that was the real - loving - caring role that each of these people paid in the life of Elvis Presley.

August 16, 1977 was a sad day for me yet as I type these words I am saddened when I learn that people who loved Elvis, and Elvis loved them, are under attack in stead of being acknowledged, supported, respected, and having a consistent presence within EPE. I hope that other Elvis Presley Fans will support the sentiments specified herein and join me in celebrating the life of Elvis Presley...and those who were integral parts of his life.

Jeff Schrembs

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


With the power out in this area now for 5 days I'll have to keep this brief. Nonetheless I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sonny West and may you know, from those close to and apart from you, how much you are; prayed for, loved, thought of, admired, and respected.

May God bless you.

Jeff Schrembs

PS: Sandi Pichon is an angel!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fathers Day 2012 by Jeff Schrembs

Father’s Day 2012.

For me it is a bittersweet day.

I can recall the moment in which the pregnancy was confirmed for each of my children. I can recall the months of praying, hoping, and dreaming that the child (and their mother) would both be…safe and healthy. I can recall the joy in seeing my children for the first time and the beauty of seeing them in their mother’s arms, while tears streamed down the mothers face, where they belonged.

I love, have loved, and always will love each of my children. Not a moment of a day goes by that I don’t think about them – pray for them – miss them – love them – and a thankful for them. They are each (truly) beautiful in all areas (the mind, body, spirit, and soul) and I thank God for each of them.

I hope that on this day, and the other 364 days of the year, that my children (and every child) is acknowledged and given love and support. I hope that they are encourage and accepted. That they are appreciated and given the tools to achieve. I hope that they pursue the talents bestowed upon them from God and that they are never afraid, or ashamed, to…try. Even when it is the darkest hour and all seems lost that they continue to try and remember that God created them for a reason…and he doesn’t make mistakes.

Whatever I am doing. Wherever I am. I will be thinking of my children.

Father’s Day 2012 will come and go but true love is eternal.

The love that I have for each of my children will never waiver nor will it be diminished by time or distance. No matter how “grown” they become they will always be my children and their mothers deserving of my respect.

To some it will be a day just like any other.

To some it will be a day of reflection of those who have left this World having passed away.

To some it will be pain knowing that the relationship is strained and so much pain has come that the scar tissue keeps binding the wounds…but not healing.

To some it will be that contact is limited by a glass pane or bars or both.

To some it will be the silence that exists whether it is caused by Court orders, lies, truths, or the actions/inactions never knowing the path they were on would end up in an abyss surrounded by darkness and tears.

To others it will be a meal shared by family members and the exchange of cards or presents. Cameras will record the events and videos and photographs sent wirelessly or email or via mail.

To far too many it will be a time when the reality of War takes those far away and the hope of a safe return triumphs the novelty of the day.

Regardless of which, or a combination of, of these examples are applicable the point is that without Fathers (and being a Father is not limited to just whose genetics brought life to each child). Being a Father means sacrifice, unconditional love, and eternal prayers for good health – happiness – and a long life (for all of God’s children).

Father’s Day 2012 would otherwise go “unnamed”, and thus Father’s not having a special day of their own, and more importantly without Fathers life itself would cease to exist. It remains my hope, and prayers, that Fathers everywhere are afforded the respect – love – appreciation – understanding – and forgiveness that brings upon us the honor as ordained by God…and is deserving.

May this day be one of happiness, beloved memories, and a commitment that life is not about forgetting the days that have come before but the promise of better days ahead.

Lastly, to those whose Fathers have passed away I wish, and pray for you, that this day is one of peace and remembrance.

May God bless you all. Jeff Schrembs

PS: This video makes me laugh so I attached it.